Become A Residential Childcare Support Worker
Starting Salary: Base salary of £26,327.76 with the potential to earn up to £28,007.76 with sleep in shifts
Salary after probation: Base salary of £27,487.20 with the potential to earn up to £29,167.20 with sleep in shifts
We currently have openings across Guildford, Horsham & Bramley for experienced support workers, and would also love to hear from those who aren’t as experienced but are passionate about making a positive and lasting difference to young people, and who are willing to undertake the relevant training and qualifications needed.
Roles and responsibilities
- To ensure that a caring and stimulating environment is provided for the young people that takes into account individual developmental needs and enables young people to reach their full potential
- To plan and prepare activities that meet the young people’s needs and stimulates their learning and integration within the home.
- Keep abreast of legislation, guidelines, policies to ensure the Children’s Act, Children’s homes regulations and the national minimum standards are met at all times. To be aware of all Ofsted guidance and information in regard to the home.
- To observe and assess young people’s progress and keep accurate records of their achievements, behaviour and important events in their lives. To produce and keep up to date a life book for any young person for whom you have key working responsibilities.
- To work with local authorities/ placing authorities to ensure the care the young people receive is outstanding
- To establish and maintain positive working relationships with parents/carers in a way that supports young people’s learning and development and values parental involvement where appropriate.
- To be flexible within working practices of the home e.g. To help, where needed, including undertaking domestic tasks within the home, which will include preparation of meals, cleaning, shopping etc.
- Work alongside the Manager and staff team to ensure that the philosophy behind the home is fulfilled.
- To keep clear and legible records regarding the young people. To ensure that entries in records are legible, clearly expressed, non-stigmatising and distinguished as far as possible between fact, opinion and third-party information
What do we offer?
Why work with us?
For our work to be successful we are dependent on the skills and motivation of our staff team.
We see staff empowerment as the cornerstone of effective practice and we ensure that our staff have the knowledge, skills and support structures necessary to undertake this difficult and often emotive work. We understand that this can only be achieved through ongoing staff development. We are proud of our commitment to continuous professional development, which includes ongoing training, regular supervision and the support of group consultation.
About Us
Apple Orchard has four homes in Surrey and West Sussex. Each home is set in a rural location and offers a comfortable homely environment for young males aged 13-18 years.
We aim to help young people to develop insight into their experiences in order that they can move on from their often damaged traumatic past. We support them as they take steps to make sense of their lives by providing clear and safe boundaries and achievable goals. This includes positive reinforcement strategies such as reward charts and free time.
Central to our work is the need to provide a high level of nurturing which ensures all the basic needs of the young person are met to the highest standard. This includes providing a home that has a warm and friendly atmosphere where great emphasis is placed on building supportive relationships and positive attachments.
Staff work with managers to make decisions about children’s plans and ways to encourage them to develop skills for life. They are creative and persistent in their approach to making sure that children who may have barriers to communication are heard and included. Staff spoke very positively about the support that they receive from managers. Supervision is held at agreed intervals. Focused team meetings provide staff with opportunities to improve their knowledge and understanding about how to meet children’s needs.
Ofsted, 2021

Become a part of the Polaris Community
We are part of one of the largest providers of children’s services and our community of services span the length and breadth of the whole of the UK.
Our nurturing community works collectively to support the very best outcomes for each and every child in our care. We’re ambitious for our children and young people, families and staff, and believe in their futures.